- analytical procedure
- процесс анализа
English-Russian mining dictionary. 2015.
English-Russian mining dictionary. 2015.
analytical method — interpretive approach, diagnostic technique, systematic procedure … English contemporary dictionary
analytical review — noun an auditing procedure based on ratios among accounts and tries to identify significant changes • Hypernyms: ↑review, ↑limited review … Useful english dictionary
Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure — (TCLP) is a soil sample extraction method for chemical analysis employed as an analytical method to simulate leaching through a landfill. The leachate is analysed for substances appropriate to the protocol.The Resource Conservation and Recovery… … Wikipedia
analysis — /euh nal euh sis/, n., pl. analyses / seez /. 1. the separating of any material or abstract entity into its constituent elements (opposed to synthesis). 2. this process as a method of studying the nature of something or of determining its… … Universalium
method — The mode or manner or orderly sequence of events of a process or procedure. SEE ALSO: fixative, operation, procedure, stain, technique. [G. methodos; fr. meta, after, + hodos, way] Abell Kendall m. a … Medical dictionary
Splitting circle method — In mathematics, the splitting circle method is a numerical algorithm for the numerical factorization of a polynomial and, ultimately, for finding its complex roots. It was introduced by Arnold Schönhage in his 1982 paper The fundamental theorem… … Wikipedia
Petrological Database of the Ocean Floor — The Petrological Database of the Ocean Floor ( [http://www.petdb.org PetDB] ) is a relational database and repository for global geochemical data on igneous and metamorphic rocks generated at mid ocean ridges including back arc basins, young… … Wikipedia
physical science, principles of — Introduction the procedures and concepts employed by those who study the inorganic world. physical science, like all the natural sciences, is concerned with describing and relating to one another those experiences of the surrounding… … Universalium
operations research — the analysis, usually involving mathematical treatment, of a process, problem, or operation to determine its purpose and effectiveness and to gain maximum efficiency. [1940 45, Amer.] * * * Application of scientific methods to management and… … Universalium
Rudolph Réti — (Serbian: Рудолф Рети, Rudolf Reti ) (born November 27, 1885; died February 7, 1957, in Montclair, New Jersey) was a musical analyst, composer and pianist. He was the older brother of the great chess master Richard Réti.Réti was born in Užice in… … Wikipedia
Bacteriological water analysis — is a method of analysing water to estimate the numbers of bacteria present and, if needed, to find out what sort of bacteria they are. It is microbiological analytical procedure which uses samples of water and from these samples determines the… … Wikipedia